Have Mophie Will Travel: Mophie Juice Pack Plus

Dec 18, 2010 • Uncategorized
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Apple does an amazing job improving the battery life in their phones, but seemingly it is never enough.  As entrepreneurs come out with new LBS (location based services) applications and more ways to stay plugged in, the likelihood of actually making it through the day on one charge is far gone.  Introducing the newest battery case by Mophie, The Juice Pack Plus.  Packed with a 2000 mAh battery, this beast more than doubles the current built in 1420 mAh battery in the iPhone 4G and adds all the protection you would need in a low profile, shock resistant hard-shell case.  The question, is it worth the $99.00 price tag?

Overwhelmingly the answer is YES.  The Mophie Juice Pack Plus adds up to 8 additional hours talk time on 3G (16 hours 2G), up to 7 additional hours internet use on 3G and 11 hours WiFi, up to 44 hours additional audio playback and up to 11 hours video playback.  Although the iPhone now feels more like a Palm Treo, the protection, longevity and ease of use outweigh the added bulk (which is only 1mm larger than the Juice Pack Air).  The Juice Pack Plus ships with a pass-through USB charge cable that allows it to charge and sync without having to remove the iPhone from the case.  Currently available in Black, as of January the Mophie Juice pack Plus will also ship in Yellow, Magenta and Cyan highlights.

The ability, as Mophie states to “double the time you have to Rock, Talk, Surf and Send with your iPhone 4” makes this case a must for those that need to stay connected.

For a full list of features and to order go to Mophie.com

Chris Van Dusen

President of i-FFICIENCY, Director Business Development and New Media at Rief Media, http://riefmedia.com,Tech Enthusiast, Early Adopter, Remote Efficiency Jedi

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