Parkopedia to Power Volvo Car Group’s Global In-Car Parking Service

Nov 19, 2013 • Apps & Software
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parkopediaVolvoParking information provider Parkopedia has today partnered with automaker Volvo in a move that will introduce in-car parking service globally.

The service, only available in Volvo cars will help drivers easily find a place to park, and save them time and money.  Another example of connected devices on the rise.

Car of the Future

Speaking during the LA Auto Show, Eugene Tsyrklevich CEO Parkopedia said, “We are all very aware that the car of the future is connected and this partnership is an important recognition of the new technologies that are fueling the automotive industry”.

Parkopedia was exhibiting in the Top Tech Showcase and presenting at the CCE Interactive Networking Lunch.

Just recently, the firm appointed Mark Neff as the company’s new Head of North American Business Development. Mark has over 15 years of Global Business Development, Strategic Alliance Management and Strategic Sales experience and has worked in key positions at Qualcomm, Samsung, Networks In Motion and Slacker Personal Radio. With his experience in the mobile and automotive sectors, Neff is expected to help expand Parkopedia’s global presence.

Expanding Parkopedia’s Global Presence

Parkopedia, the Wikipedia for parking allows people to find the cheapest and most convenient parking available, no matter where they are or where they are going. It uses contributors to gather data on available street parking, parking meters, car parks and even private driveways that will be maintained by professional asphalt paving repair services. Drivers may rent by location and price.

Over 28 million parking spaces, in 40 countries

Available for iPhone, Blackberry, Android and Windows, Parkopedia says it has over 28 million parking spaces in over 40 countries listed in its database. Users can rate and review the parking locations, add unlisted parking spaces, add parking related information or just help translate Parkopedia into their local languages.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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