Screenshots of the Windows Mobile Marketplace (App Store) Revleaed
At long last, we get a glimpse of how the Windows Mobile application store will look! They were buried in a pile of new WinMo 6.5 screenshot .
The opening screen of Marketplace seems to be a screen that allows you to choose among Most Popular, New apps, Categories, and so on. The OEM can choose to have their own suite of applications accessible from the main screen. This may be perfect for carrier-branded programs. You can also search right from the main screen.
Then, once you get into a category, you can get a finger-friendly view of the applications which will show you rating, number of ratings, price, and number of applications that with within each category.
We see that there many be a lot of free applications to choose from, such as one from CNBC business news, Fusion Voicemail plus, a Weather program, and so on. Of course, this is just an early glimpse of what will be available.
The interface looks clean and easy to use, but we really want to see what happens once you drill into any of the program screens and actually purchase/install the program. We also hope that the prices for apps don’t stay as high as we’re accustomed to now. For example, Spb Traveler 2.0 is shown at its usual price of around $30. It remains to be seen whether the Marketplace will force developers to lower their prices.
So what do you think? Is this a good start?