5 Technology Tools that Could Change the Construction Industry

Oct 20, 2015 • Business, Development, Google
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The construction industry is worth almost four billion dollars. This value is expected to increase as technology is rapidly changing the construction industry. Below explains five ways that technology is revolutionizing the construction industry to get some  ideas, you can start checking the Ware holiday light installation online catalog.

Google Glass

Google Glass is a proprietary invention of the well-known technology developer company Google. Google Glass is basically a form of visual wearable technology that comes with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD). Google Glasses come with a touchpad that allows the user to control the device through swiping. There is also a camera that can take crystal clear pictures and record 720p HD videos. Therefore, Google Glass is becoming a popular hands-free tool in the construction industry. Construction workers can record, transmit and analyze information while on the work site. This increases worker safety and efficiency. Getting CHAS Membership is also a great way for you to demonstrate to prospective clients that you meet health and safety standards.

Building Information Modeling Software

Building information modeling (BIM) software helps a construction manager plan, design and manage construction projects. BIMs helps construction managers overcome common project obstacles, such as limited financial and human resources. In a nutshell, BIM software allows construction managers to work with virtual models of their project. As a result, safety and scheduling are improved. On the other hand, potential problems and project conflicts can be avoided. For example, the software can predict project sequences that will conflict with each other, such as pipes being installed during framework construction. As an added benefit, the construction manager can provide sub-contractors with detailed project information that enables off-site pre-assembly and pre-fabrication. For more on this sort of tools, read here about this post about the best construction management software Australia experts use.

Laser Scanner

Laser scanners allow the user to capture both two- and three-dimensional photographs. However, a 3D laser scanned allows the users to measure important scenes, objects and structures. For example, a 3D laser scanner has excellent modeling functions, such as site and road remodeling that can be integrated into the BIM system. Then also consider using a service for 3D scanning if you want to get accurate dimensions of any product or object.

There are many more benefits, such as pre-construction surveys, as-build documentation and even multi-trade management. Finally, a construction manager can use it to improve quality by avoiding cascading tolerance issues through identifying failures. Because of this, the construction sites will be safer, efficient and more productive. Safety is especially important because the field of construction is the most dangerous industry, with almost 5,000 workers dying every year.

Tool Barcodes

Construction tools and equipment are some of the most highly stolen items across the country. Additionally, misplaced tools and equipment cause delays and confusion on the worksite. However, these problems are reduced through scannable barcodes because every day, tools and equipment are checked out in the morning and turned in at night. So for those who are interested to buy ean barcodes for their equipment, they can easily avail some online that may even come in a bundle. This will reduce potential losses and misuses of tools and equipment. Tool tags are embedded barcodes that cannot be washed or removed because of the super strong adhesive actually fuses to the tool. There are also aluminum labels available for inventory purposes. Annealed tool tags are designed for curved surfaces and come with chemical resistant coating.

Smart Sensors

One of the newest forms of wearable technology is smart sensors for construction workers. Now, the safety supervisor can simply track the condition of employees from a computer. The most popular wearable technology solutions for the construction industry include boots, wristwatches and hard hats that come with smart sensors. For example, the hard hat sensor will notify the supervisor of any impacts. The wristwatch sensor will monitor the employee’s body temperature, which is extremely important for roofers like the one ones from the Menasha Roofing Services and other construction workers that are exposed to extreme temperatures. However, there are even more advanced uses of wearable technology in the construction industry. OSHA requires construction companies to conform to their Fall Protection guidelines. However, an employee who falls while being strapped in a rooftop harness only has a few minutes before major circulation problems develop. However, a smart sensor on the harness will immediately notify the supervisor.

To recap, the construction industry is experiencing major breakthroughs through innovative technologies, such as laser scanners, Google Glass, BIM software, barcodes and smart sensors. Other technological advancements like this lincoln electric equipment may also help improve the efficiency of construction processes such as custom welding services.

| Images via Shutterstock

Alex Espenson

Alex Espenson is a technology writer with a passion for home automation, tech security, and wearable smart devices.

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