
On Friday, February 22, USC’s Business and Entertainment Association (BEA) is hosting its 4th annual E2: Evolution of Entertainment Conference at the Town & Gown Hall at the USC Campus. The event is designed for professionals and students alike who are interested in or are currently working in the field of entertainment or new media. It’s focus is on the evolving changes in technology that have had an influential impact on the business of entertainment.

For 5 years, BIL has been a boon for those of us who enjoy learning, socializing with likeminded individuals and playing fun science games without paying a $6000 entrance fee ala TED. In case you haven’t heard, BIL is the tech oriented, community based non-origination that throws an Ad-HOC conference that runs concurrently with TED (March 1-3) every year.

We’re excited to announce TechZulu is coming back to Austin, Texas for South By Southwest (SXSW) Interactive 2013! We had so much fun last year speaking with entrepreneurs, startups, panel speakers and making new friends, we decided we just had to do it again this year. So we’re gathering some friends an opening the TechZulu Trend Lounge (#TZTL).

That’s right. We all work hard, now it’s time to play hard. TechZulu is turning five and we couldn’t think of a better place to celebrate than The ROC in Santa Monica. We’ve partnered with Digital LA to bring you a night of red carpet chic, rooftop mixer, and a DJ.

The creators of the renowned StartupWeekend — a place where random ad hoc teams work frantically for 54 hours to build a demo of a new business and then complete for fame and fortune — have picked up where StartupWeekend left off and have birthed a new course for entrepreneurs who need to level up called StartupWeekend Next.

Gather all of your creative talents and get to hacking this Friday and Saturday, February 8-9 on what might just be the most viable, essential and disruptive focus of any hackathon…… education. Organized by developer evangelist, Alex Donn of the AT&T Developer Program, in coordination with Real Office Centers and AT&T Aspire, this hackathon invites attendees technical and non-technical to build apps and mobile apps that will disrupt education.

On Saturday February 9, Demo Video Lab is holding a one-day event to teach secrets to successfully launching a crowdfunding campaign. Geared towards artists, entrepreneurs and innovators, crowdfunding is a great way to get any projects off the ground, be it startup, movie, music or invention. It is the most viable way to not only get project funding but more importantly to get customer validation.

The LA AppShow is back in town tonight, and I promise you – the lineup is impressive! Join me as I interview each company, then get a first look at the apps and glean insights directly from the developers.

Picture your company message on a “Sky Tweet.” With over 100 million viewers, Super Bowl translates to big money for the advertising industry. But how much do you think it would be worth to advertise over the skies of Super Bowl itself?

Necessity is the mother of invention. Chris Johnson and his partner Tarek Pertew were once startup guys who founded a software company in New York, but within one year they lost their CTO three times. It appeared that recruiting was a bigger problem to solve.