Remember the popular IBM commercial from back in 2000, where actor Avery Brooks acknowledges the pivotal year as the century turns and questions the availability and absence of flying cars, saying we were promised this futuristic invention, looking around the roadways and stating, “I don’t see any flying cars.”
If you look around, there are several large name brands that are moving forward and away from your traditional headphone/earbud design. Brands such as Panasonic and Aftershokz both have some type of listening wear making use of bone conduction. One would think that with all of the financial resources they have at hand, they’d have a more audible product. Luckily for everyone, Cynaps is working to take the mobile audio market by storm. Especially for those who find customization important.
Ultimate Ears Pro have been making in-ear monitors for over 20 years now. However, in just the past year or so the company has made a huge change on the way they create their earphones. Going from completely handcrafted and the traditional productions methods to 3D printing. By doing so they will be able to create some of the most accurate sculpted in-ear monitors ever!
TechZulu & Gadget Review present REACH. A quarterly event series seeking to dive deep into what comes next in technology, and giving you the opportunity to experience it first hand with the gadgets on site. Experience gadgets from the big brands with million dollar budgets to the startups bootstrapping and raising via IndieGoGo.
With graduation already here and Father’s Day almost upon us again this year, thoughts of what to get for dads and grads is on our minds once again. For those who are athletically inclined, have an active lifestyle or even just a tech geek, the Yurbuds IronMan Inspire Talk Sport Earphones with Inline Microphone are a gift worth considering.

Etymotic | Part Aid, Part Protection, Two Parts Makes You Feel Like a Bat/Dolphin/Echo-location Enabled Creature
I can personally say I’m quite familiar with the work Etymotic Research has done with their line of ER20 high-fidelity Earplugs and consider these low profile plugs to be a nightlife staple. To my fellow audiophiles who frequent your fair share of festivals, shows, clubs, and concerts, I’m sure you can share in my spectrum of feelings towards the products that companies like Etymotic Research offer…
The Consumer Electronics Show, better-known as CES, is upon us, and we are all waiting to see who the big winners are going to be. Two weeks ago I found this new audio company Aedle, that have just created a pair of luxury audio headphones to die for! Then yesterday I read an article by, which featured “5 Tech Startups Worth Watching at CES 2013”, and what do you know, Aedle made the top 5 tech startups…