Deka Launches Indiegogo Campaign To Bring Custom 3D Printed Styles To Bluetooth Headsets

Sep 27, 2013 • Gadgets, Headphones
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dekasounds featuredDeka, a startup that manufactures Bluetooth headsets with interchangeable custom faceplate has launched a new Indiegogo campaign to raise $100,000.  They would use that funding to help them accelerate the development and manufacturing of the next generation of Bluetooth headsets.

With nearly 60 backers already, Deka has raised $12,619 of its $100,000 goal of its flexible funding ending October 28, 2013 and wants you to be part of the campaign too.

Custom 3D Printed Headsets

The campaign will help Deka create custom 3D printed headsets and launch a number of stylish designs and colors.

“At Deka, our goal is the growth of self-expression,” said Deka CEO & Founder Erik Adams. “As technology enthusiasts, we’ve found the Bluetooth headset market to be one of the few areas truly lacking in this ability. Deka’s headsets break new ground with easy-to-use total customization, and our Indiegogo campaign will help us get to our goals faster.”

HD Sound & Liquipel Waterproofing

With HD-quality sound,a clear high-quality microphone and talk time of up to 5 hrs and standby time of up to 150 hrs, Deka Bluetooth headsets have noise-canceling speakers for crowded rooms and airplanes.

deka postDeka recently announced their partnership with Liquipel watersafe technology to ensure that all Deka headsets will be waterproofed and can be used in the pool or at the beach.

From as little as $5

Deka’s campaign is for everyone. With $1,000, you will spend the day with Deka’s founder Erik Adams and learn his journey to the top. You can also back Deka as a reseller or as a collector and have the Bluetooth caps delivered to your door for free.

For just $5, you become a VIP supporter and get a huge thank you from the team. For $299 you get five Deka Slide Caps, while for $499 you get a Deka Slide Cap with 10 Deka Bluetooth Headsets PLUS One custom design Deka Slide Caps of a design of your choosing.

January 2014 launch

Deka works simply. Users select the headset cover they want and simply slide it over the earpiece.  Deka is currently taking pre-orders for its initial launch at for January 2014 delivery. Its custom 3D printing and custom photo options is expected to give users true customizability.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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