Digital LA: Branded Entertainment Panel Live!

Apr 25, 2011 • Entertainment, Events, Video
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Join us tonight live at 8pm PST from UCLA Korn Hall for Digital LA’s Branded Entertainment panel right here on TechZulu. They’ll discuss how content creators and brands work together to create, develop, and market digital branded entertainment.

Scheduled speakers include

David Beebe, ABC Digital Studio. Director, oversees creative development and physical production of derivative webisodes (Grey’s Anatomy, Cougar Town, Ugly Betty, etc.), original series (EMHE Life With Confidence, Stars Go Green, etc.), and live shows (CMA Awards Red Carpet, Oscars Backstage Pass – All Access Show for Disney/ABC Television Digital Media Group. @davidbeebe

Neal Weiss, Yahoo! Originals, Head of Creative Development. Yahoo! Originals is Yahoo!’s in-house development and production arm which produces top-viewed series including Primetime in No Time, omg!

Matt McMahon, Fox Digital Entertainment, VP Mobile. Branded apps including Angry Birds Rio (#1 selling app with 10M downloads in 10 days; and Rio is #1 movie opening wknd); also apps for GLEE, Avatar, Family Guy

Kendall Rhodes, Relativity Media, VP Digital Programming & Content. Partnered with YouTube stars to create branded videos to promote Limitless movie. @iamrogue @spinkendall

Matt Seigel, EQAL, Vice President, Branded Content and Communities (Real Women of Philadelphia, Walk with Walgreens) at EQAL (LonelyGirl15, Harper’s Globe) @EQAL

George Ruiz, ICM, Head of New Media and SVP of Business Affairs, ICM. The Guild (Microsoft, etc.), Dragon Age / Electronic Arts, Kevin Tancharoen / Mortal Kombat- Warner Bros Interactive and Veronica Belmont’s social media campaign for General Motors. @georgeruiz

Shannon Pruitt, Brand Arc, Chief Strategy Officer; formerly at Warner Bros. TV Group, VP Sales Development (Ellen Degeneres Show, Extra, TMZ,, At Agility Studios, closed Puma deal for integration into director Jon Chu’s LXD dance web series, now at Paramount Digital.

William H. Masterson III, Co-Founder Believe Entertainment Group, a digital entertainment company that recently launched The LeBrons, a new original animated Web series with LeBron James, his company Spring Hill Productions, and brand partners HP, Intel, Bing, Sprite, Nike and more

Jenni Powell, Producer, Video Game Reunion (distributed on, integrating the brands All ClearID, Zivity) and ran several integrated brand campaigns with YouTube star Philip DeFranco (with Relativity Digital Media, State Farm Insurance, SpikeTV, Ubisoft). Also worked on lonelygirl15, The Guild. @jennipowell

Tamara Kruger, Matter, Edelman Sports and Entertainment. Senior VP/Group Head. Matter integrates brands in series including Garden Party (Jenny Garth, Hidden Valley Ranch, iVillage), Brita + Sundance Channel + Biggest Loser, Off Track with Tony Stewart (Armor All)

Discussion will include

  • Creation: How do content creators (web series creators, directors, producers, writers) best integrate products and brands into branded series, videos, games and communities. Success stories: what works and doesn’t
  • What advertisers brands are looking for: targeting demos, branding, stats. How much input should brands get?
  • Development: How does the process get started: agencies, RFPs, brainstorming, storyboards, etc.
  • How does branded content for entertainment properties (movies, TV, games, etc) differ from traditional (consumer products, auto, insurance)
  • Marketing: How to promote a series using media buys and social media to engage fans, from development to release to ongoing support of a community
  • How to measure success: Beyond clicks and views to engagement, ROI


  • 6-7p Optional: Indie Branded Entertainmnet Workshop – indie filmmakers including Dilemma, FT Media, Supa Pirate Booty Hunt, and more discuss indie brand integration
  • 7-8p. Check-In, Networking and light appetizers
  • 8-9:30p Panel & Q&A. TechZulu streaming.
  • 9:30-10p Networking

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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