eBay Introduces Managed Returns Process & Donates $500,000 to South Sudan

Sep 05, 2012 • Business, Culture, Funding
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eBay has introduced a new and efficient optional way to manage returns to replace the old system after clients requests.

In a blog post, eBay says,” With a variety of return procedures, restrictions and policies, it’s often impossible to know what returning an eBay purchase will be like. Sometimes it can be fast and easy; other times it’s like pulling teeth.”

Better Return Experience

But eBay says the experience will never be the same.

The new managed returns platform  launched on Tuesday is hassle-free, fast and with free shipping according to eBay and will virtually automate returns for sellers and buyers. The service will too streamline communications and automatically refund buyers and sellers fees.

Still Opt-in For Top Rated Sellers

eBay says the now opt-in managed returns service was piloted on July 10 among selected eBay sellers. In the meantime the opt-in service is still reserved for their top rated sellers only but will be rolled out as a long-term solution for all transactions on eBay.

Clear Return Policy

According to eBay, buyers’ top requests have been free or discounted shipping, easier returns or exchanges, online tracking ability and a clear returns policy.

The new returns process has clear and consistent guidelines and procedures. Buyers will also receive the necessary tools to create packing slips and pre-paid shipping labels for tracking and receiving returned items which will even make refunding quick and efficient.

How it Works

To initiate a return eBay says, “A buyer simply clicks “Return this item” , chooses a reason, and prints a return shipping label and packing slip. You’re automatically notified.”

eBay then either  charges the buyer’s PayPal account or invoices the seller for shipping. However,after the item is received, eBay says it refunds a portion of the shipping costs.

eBay is also allowing sellers to manage their own returns’ policies according to their own timeframe, refund method, restocking fee, and whether the seller or the buyer pays for the return shipping.

eBay says the new process also integrates buyer’s RMA numbers through the eBay assigned unique ID number and a buyer can receive their returns at multiple addresses.

Minimize Returns

Returning goods is good for buyers but not that good for business. eBay therefore advises its opted in Top Rated sellers to minimize returns. Sellers ought to tell their buyers exactly what they are selling with clear pictures, measurements, defects, and quick response.

Giving to World’s Youngest Nation

eBay inc was founded by Pierre Omidyar and by 2011 had more than 100 million active users globally and as world’s largest online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers for practically anything. By 2011 the total value of goods sold on eBay was $68.6 billion. Today Pierre and his wife Pam  donated $500,000 to UNHCR’s emergency operation for tens of thousands of refugees in South Sudan.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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