Live From Hub LA Civic Innovation Showcase

Apr 03, 2013 • Events, Gadgets, Mobile, Startups
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HubLA_FeatureTechZulu will be bringing you all the Civic Innovation Showcase action live tonight starting at 8pm from the Hub LA office in Downtown Los Angeles.  Hub Los Angeles, in partnership with The LA Mayor’s Council on Innovation and Industry & The LA Chamber of Commerce Emerging Technology Center & City Innovation Group, is pleased to announce an evening event to showcase local civic innovators & celebrate the launch of MyLA311.

The event runs from 7p-10p.  If you can make it out tonight tickets are still available:

Eventbrite - Civic Innovation Showcase & MyLA311 App Launch

Featuring tech demonstrations for new apps and platforms, the Civic Innovation Showcase will highlight 7 Los Angeles area start-ups (and Hub LA members!) in the tech-for-change/civic innovation sector, all of whom are creating new applications designed to enhance our civic lives.


ThrdPlace – A local platform for social action.

InSight by InVenture – InVenture’s mission is to provide a credit score to anyone with a mobile phone.

iSocialite by Dreamware – A mobile phone platform that helps businesses engage and monetize their audiences.

BusBeautiful by City Innovation Group – A next-generation mobile application that beautifies the experience of waiting for a bus.

Recargo – Recargo is empowering consumers to make the shift to renewable energy in their personal transportation choices through two services: and the Recargo smartphone app.

AppMyForm by RGBMobile – A seamless way to turn paper forms into mobile apps.

RideAmigos Corp – RideAmigos engages with citizens to educate and reward commuters using all modes of available transportation to decrease single occupancy vehicles and congestion and to improve air quality.

Importantly, this event will celebrate the launch of the NEW MyLA311 app and attendees will be among the first to download the app at the event. This app will put LA at the forefront of open government and put the government– literally– in the hands of its people. MyLA311 provides convenient access to the most popular city services. With this app, citizens can use their smartphones to snap and submit photos of potholes, graffiti and other problems for the city to fix and clean up; to map the closest parks, libraries, fire and police stations, public pools, tennis courts, golf courses, parking lots, and more; and to pay LA Water and Power bills right from your mobile device. Designed by LA’s own 3Di Systems, MyLA311 also keeps you connected with everything going on in City Hall.

Join us at Hub Los Angeles tonight for this important moment in LA’s civic history.


Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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