Nevolution: I Am a PC App Store

Feb 16, 2011 • Startups, Video
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In January Apple released the Mac store.  A consolidated location for purchasing Mac Applications.  No better example of the power of these stores than Evernote.  An already popular platform, new users skyrocketed with the addition of the app in the Mac store.  The question now becomes: Where is the app store for my PC?  At Twiistup 8 Matthew Smith (CEO) and the Nevolution team debuted what they dubbed the “future of software distribution”.

Using old hysterical videos of Bill Gates and Steve Balmer, Nevolution argued that there is a large and untapped market for a Windows based App store.  I completely agree with them, and so did the judges.  Matt Thompson of Microsoft was on the judging panel and for a moment took off his Microsoft hat and agreed with Smith that there is a strong need for software distribution.

One of the questions raised by the judges was if this platform was viable if Windows came out with there own version of an App store rumored to appear within a Windows 8 release.  Smith argued that with a Microsoft App store release the focus will be on compatible software.  The real opportunity lies in legacy machines running XP, the most widely used platform.  Matt with Microsoft agreed and stated that market could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Nevolution is not available yet, however they had a working demo at their booth.  The UI looks fantastic an the ease of use remarkable.  As a new Mac convert, I am sad I will not get to take advantage, but I think Nevolution, and their platform, will capture many raving fans in the coming months.

What do you think?  Do we need a Microsoft App Store?

Chris Van Dusen

President of i-FFICIENCY, Director Business Development and New Media at Rief Media,,Tech Enthusiast, Early Adopter, Remote Efficiency Jedi

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