The Next 5 Years: Possible Trends in Business Software

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business software

During the past twenty five years, software programs utilized by business underwent tremendous changes. Very likely, the next five years will witness some exciting new developments in programs designed to address Business Process Management (BPM). These trends will likely involve cloud based architecture, enhanced platform mobility, real time data analysis, improved fraud detection capabilities and greater niche functionality. And if you want to start a pest control, termite treatment services, and lawn care company, you may visit sites like to look into the tools and software that might be beneficial in the growth of your business. Read on below to learn more.

Cloud Based Architecture

Today numerous businesses utilize cloud based architecture to assist them in managing their online assets. The use of a cloud holds many advantages. For example, if a company website generates extensive visitor traffic at a particular point in time, the enterprise may continue to serve customers without obvious interruptions in service because its cloud-based server architecture permits the distribution of visiting traffic among servers in different locations. As cloud-based architecture continues to develop and evolve, very likely businesses will find additional uses for this helpful feature. Jason Bloomberg of ZapThink has indicated that he believes clouds may play a vital role in the Internet of Things, for instance. These trends appear likely to keep clouds important to business computing in the foreseeable future.

Enhanced Platform Mobility

The increasing interest among SEO firms in the preparation of websites which display well across a multitude of platforms, including both standalone computers and mobile technology, will likely continue to impact Business Process Management. For example, the popular search engine Google updated its search algorithm recently to place a higher value upon sites which load well on mobile devices. The popularity of mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, and wearable Internet-connected technology will likely continue promoting this trend towards more flexible, mobile access during the next five years.

Real Time Data Analysis

The growing popularity of bespoke software development needs for platforms with big data capabilities means that more business software programs will likely emphasize real time data analysis in the future. This trend emerges in particular in the conduct of successful social media campaigns. The mining of consumer data now extends to a wide array of integrated social media platforms; coupled with sophisticated database technology platforms, this capacity enables companies to develop programs that respond more flexibly and in a far more tailored manner to individual customers. Eli Stutz in “The Future of BPM: 7 Predictions” argues that real time processes will give a fourth dimensional quality to some popular software programs used by businesses. Some business solutions will consider the timing of events to a greater extent than current programs allow.

Improved Fraud Detection Capabilities

The use of big data has also stimulated the development of some BPMS programs designed to assist businesses in reducing instances of customer fraud. Although many firms maintain a proprietary interest in not divulging the details of this type of software, the ever-increasing flow of information available from an array of Internet sources encourages the creation of highly sophisticated fraud-detection mechanisms.

Greater Niche Functionality

Finally, Business Process Management directed software between 2015 and 2020 will likely entail a greater emphasis on specific niche functionality. This trend already appears in the refinement of some popular commercial marketing programs to better serve the needs of specific industry segments. For example, Salesforce, a very popular provider of CRM software, now promotes several unique platforms geared towards particular specialized niche markets. Companies can purchase software designed to assist the sales of goods and services in industries including: retail, manufacturing, automotive, health care, financial, higher ed, and nonprofit sectors. Other software vendors such as erp software offer niche products, as well. You may consider getting help from erp consulting services if you have questions regarding erp software. This degree of individualization relates to the importance of addressing industry conditions and protocols in a customized, responsive way.

Although the future remains difficult to predict accurately, aspects of these five current trends appear significant in the field of software development today. Barring the invention of unforeseen new technology, they will probably continue to exert influence over the field of Business Process Management.

Alex Espenson

Alex Espenson is a technology writer with a passion for home automation, tech security, and wearable smart devices.

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