Bixel Exchange | Next Generation of Interactive Gaming Live

Dec 01, 2013 • Business, Events, Gaming, Video
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Bixel-Gaming-YoutubeTechZulu is going to bring you all the action live at 5pm December 3rd from the Bixel Exchange emerging tech salon Next Generation of Interactive Gaming.  Join us for an exciting discussion of the trends coming in gaming, including technologies like the new Kinect, virtual reality headsets and new developments in augmented reality gaming. What’s currently possible with new technology in this exciting space, and what implications do these technologies have on other industries in Los Angeles?

The night will feature Elan Lee Head of Interactivity XBox Entertainment Studios and Brian Mullins Founder/CEO Daqri.

The event will be hosted at Microsoft’s new campus in Playa Vista and for those that would like to attend in person still can.

TechZulu Inc.

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