
Stickam – A free service that allows you to stream live video over the internet. There is nothing to download and Stickam is 100% free create live video and show anyone in the world what’s happening right now. Using only a laptop, you can share your event, class, party or thoughts, live, to anyone in over 250 countries while they chat in real-time with you and with other viewers. makes it fun, easy and fast to gather and engage with a live audience.

AudioMicro – Are you a composer, publisher, songwriter, musician, independent band, sound designer, or audio engineer? Put your digital audio content up for sale with AudioMicro, simply and securely. License your original work on AudioMicro – we accept for review and potential licensing representation all content that meets our minimum quality and sample rate standards and Terms of Service.

VentureDeal – VentureDeal is a venture capital database that provides the latest information about venture-backed technology companies, venture capital firms and transactions in the United States.

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