TechZulu Top 2013 SXSW Panel Picks & More

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It is that time of year again, when the digital and tech world look up from their busy workload just long enough to make sure that they are “represented” with a kickass submission for a panel or two at the most prestigious conference all year, SXSWi (South by Southwest Interactive Festival). New and old interactive companies alike have been wrangling their online communities for panelpicker votes since mid-August when voting commenced for a coveted shot to win a chance to present their vision to a guaranteed crowd of A-List digital and tech influencers that will gather together in Austin, TX the week of March 8, 2013.

Time has run out for community voting on SXSWi panels and is now in the hands of the judges, but there is still time left to compete for fame and fortune via scholarships, awards and entry into the SXSW Accelerator.

SXSWi has listed the following information on their site:

In addition, to aid your discovery of pending panel options, TechZulu has compiled this list of tech and digital companies and their panel topics that might interest you. The final panels greenlighted will be announced October 15, 2012.

2013 Panel Submissions:

How to Unleash the Power of Good in Digital Age Community and Activism
Beyond Video: Storytelling for the 21st Century Content and Distribution
The State of Social Marketing Content and Distribution
Ebooks: a Coming War for the Soul of the Library Content and Distribution
Global News After the Twitter Revolutions Content and Distribution
Merging of 2nd Screen & TV Everywhere Experiences Content and Distribution
Sparking Social Change With Content Integration Content and Distribution
Adding Culture to a Pop Culture World  Culture and Entertainment
Immersive Entertainment – Sensation to Imagination Culture and Entertainment
Miku: The Open-Source Girl Who Conquered the World Culture and Entertainment
Catching Fire? Or Not. Fans, Creativity & Fair Use Culture and Entertainment
Disrupting Dinner: FoodTrucks, Top Chefs & Yo Mama Culture and Entertainment
Lights, Camera, Tweet! Culture and Entertainment
MTV, VH1, CMT & Logo Talent Discuss Social  Culture and Entertainment
Getting Started with Social Data at Scale Design and Development
Culture & Context: Making Augmented Places Design and Development
Invisible Branded Interfaces – Your Brand on Siri Design and Development
Crossing Beams to Design Compelling Experiences Design and Development
The Secret Dangers of Online Influence Marketing Diversity and Emerging Markets
PR for Startups  Entrepreneurialism and Business
Outsourcing Startup Operations Entrepreneurialism and Business
Startup Culture Driving Innovation in Tech Entrepreneurialism and Business
Evolution of Social Ads and Earned Media Entrepreneurialism and Business
From 140 to 0: The Rise of Image-Based Marketing Entrepreneurialism and Business
Pre-Cognitive Marketing – How Data May Be Cracking Entrepreneurialism and Business
Are Community Managers the New Influencers? Entrepreneurialism and Business
Pop (Up) Culture Entrepreneurialism and Business
Lawyered: Lessons from Foursquare, Meetup and Etsy Entrepreneurialism and Business
Hacking Cities for a Better, Sustainable Tomorrow Government and Civic Engagement
Crowd-Sourcing the Space Frontier Science and Space Exploration
Who Run The (Internet) World: Women Social and Relationships
How We Shop Today: The Mobile Retail Marketplace  Social and Relationships
Fashion and Food: Transforming Visual Narration Social and Relationships
Sex & Tech: Women Creative Leaders Bare All Work and Career
Hacker Girls: Why Aren’t There More Women Coders? Work and Career
Are You a Billionaire? Your Network=Your Net Worth Work and Career

The 2013 SXSWi is shaping up to be very interesting! If you are local to Southern California and have a panel up for consideration, please let us know!

Desdemona Bandini

Desdemona Bandini has an extensive background in journalism, advertising, social media marketing and emerging media. She has worked for some of the top newsrooms including KNBC, American Media, and The Los Angeles Times. Her background in advertising and marketing includes working on projects for Microsoft, Intel, GE, America's Top Model, Acclaim Video Games, Universal Pictures, E! Entertainment, and Katalyst Network among others. She recently completed her graduate studies at USC where she developed a start-up research platform for brands and advertisers using social media marketing.

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