
Microsoft December 26 said it was opening new stores in 2013 after what it said was a momentous year for its retail stores.

According to Jonathan Adashek General Manager, Communications and Strategy, Sales & Marketing Services Group, Microsoft in a post:

There has been talk for the past week about Microsoft making a “Major” announcement here in Los Angeles. Wait no more!
Today at an event in Hollywood, Microsoft unveiled Surface: PCs built to be the ultimate stage for Windows. Company executives showed two Windows tablets and accessories that feature significant advances in industrial design and attention to detail. Surface is designed to seamlessly transition between consumption and creation, without compromise.

For the past week, I’ve been graced by the mobile-Gods with the new Nokia flagship cellphone, the Lumia 900. My immediate impression was, “what the heck is it with this awful blue color?” I also wasn’t expecting much, if anything, from the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) platform in terms of available apps in their marketplace.