How Digital Will Change Healthcare in the Next 10 Years

Feb 09, 2016 • Data, IoT, Marketing
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digital healthcare Within a few years, digital technology will take over the healthcare system, like that which features Dental Implants. It has already begun.

A few medical facilities are already making use of digital technology. Pharmacies may also benefit from a management software developed by companies like

Getting Diagnosed Digitally

If you cannot make it to the doctor’s office, the doctor can do diagnosis digitally. This is a convenient option for the elderly. An example of a digital diagnosis is Neurotrack. It is a software that is used to evaluate patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive health assessments. The software tracks eye movements that help to detect abnormal brain activity. Doctors will be able to diagnose skin lesions with the help of artificial intelligence that relies on pattern recognition. The technology will get used for complex diagnosis. For now, there still will be the need for radiologists and dermatologists.

Cloud Services

In rural areas and under-developed countries, most medical practitioners use Cloud. Cloud is a mobile application that enables people to access data on demand. Research has shown that 13 percent of cloud usage in health care presents a high risk of security breaches, and about 77 percent shows medium risk. Medical practitioners can quickly retrieve medical data using the cloud.

High Speed Scanning Machines

CT scanners are not as slow as they used to be. As technology is improved, the scanners are much faster in that they can detect a still image in one heartbeat. According to research, in the past, 60 percent of patients were turned away because their heartbeats were too fast for the scanners. That is no longer the case. Doctors can now see areas of the heart that they could not have seen before the improvement of CT scans.

Electronic Filing System

Electronic filing system has proven to save space according to research. Electronic filing system eliminates the time it takes to find misfiled records. Keyword search can yield results in seconds compared to physically searching for a misplaced file. According to research, hospitals have saved $37 to $59 million using an electronic filing system. The filing system also helps to reduce malpractice claims. In addition, CDI software can help build a solution that helps you improve the quality and integrity of clinical documentation resulting in improved reimbursements.

Electronic Calendars

Most medical facilities utilize electronic calendars. It is faster and more efficient. If you have full coverage dental insurance, and you want to make an appointment with your dentist like getting a dental implant in San Francisco, you no longer have to call to make an appointment. On the first visit, patients input their personal information on a computer. Once you are in the system, you will get an electronic reminder of your upcoming appointment. For example, you can access the calendar of your Dentist in Bellaire and make an appointment, or you can reply to an email and confirm or reschedule appointments.

Bloodless Technology

Diabetics and people who have a fear of needles do not have to worry about getting pricked with a needle. Laser light reflection, near-infrared spectroscopy, microfluidics, and non-invasive sensors are among the many tools used for glucose measurement. The technology gets used to measure tears and sweat. Researchers have developed Nanotechnology to help with the diagnosis of cancer. Additionally, MRI and magnetic nanoparticles are used to detect early brain cancer. Fairly soon, colonoscopy and mammography will be a thing of the past.

How Patients Get Treatments

Within a few years, medication dosage, diet, prescription, and cancer treatment will not get handled the usual way. Researchers have developed targeted immune therapeutics and other types of drug treatments for cancer and infectious diseases. Further clinical research has shown that medical specialist will be able to manipulate T cells for cancer immunotherapy. This type of approach is advantageous because once the cancer cells get destroyed, immune cells will be able to detect any sign of recurrence. Scientists will be able to use the same approach for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Chron’s disease. In the not so distant future, no one has to leave the privacy of his or her home to get medical treatment. Even getting life policy quotes is easier with websites like And by dropping to a reliable site like, you can find the best life insurance from there!

Alex Espenson

Alex Espenson is a technology writer with a passion for home automation, tech security, and wearable smart devices.

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