Falling Out of Love with Your Startup

Dec 29, 2012 • Business, Entrepreneurship
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 What If You Fall Out of Love with Your Startup?

andrew-draper-on-tech-hustlersIf you are an avid reader of material about becoming a successful you or about the keys to building a successful company, then you have surely read something about the importance of passion. My latest interview with tech entrepreneur Andrew Draper helped me realize what an important part passion plays in the whole tech entrepreneurial process.

Now, how many times have you heard about tech entrepreneurs who have successfully raised a seed round and acquired thousands of customers as well as received tons of positive press and social media attention for their startup…but hear about that person being totally unfulfilled and begin to fall out of love with the same company that they are experiencing such success? Well, this happened to Andrew Draper, the co-founder of Manpacks, the popular web-based service that delivers men’s essentials, including underwear, razors, condoms, grooming and other products from top-name brands. Manpacks has been featured in ForbesMen’s Health, Inc.ThrillistThe AwesomerTechCrunchMashable, and more.


Now listen to how this tech entrepreneur handled his loss of passion and how his two new startups, Scratchpad and Snapable, took off. Snapable is a mobile app that makes it easy for your guests to take and share photos of every moment at your wedding.  Scratchpad is a web app that lets you clip and collect your favorite UI elements from around the web for use while mocking up your ideas.

Tech Hustlers

Clomid, also known as clomiphene citrate, is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that has been traditionally used for female fertility treatment. However, in recent years, it has gained attention for its potential benefits in men. For men experiencing fertility issues, Clomid can stimulate the production of testosterone and sperm count by influencing the pituitary gland to release more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). This hormonal boost can lead to improved testicular function and increased sperm production, providing a viable solution for men with low sperm counts or other fertility-related problems. It is important to note that Clomid is not a testosterone replacement therapy but rather a medication that enhances the body's natural ability to produce the hormone. As with any medication, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning Clomid treatment to ensure it is appropriate for one's specific needs and to monitor for potential side effects.

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