Keep Air Pollution at Bay with these 3 Air Purifiers

Dec 22, 2016 • Gadgets
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Are you annoyed by smoke in your house or work? Are you worried about offgassing or want to get rid of paint smells? Maybe you want to make sure no mold spores or allergens survive for long in your home. Your first line of defense will be your hvac system. Just make sure to make it a point to call hvac services like Home Heating and Air for Furnace installation, Twin Falls or this Heater service in Manassas for regular maintenance to ensure it’s doing its job to the fullest. If not, you may need to replace your broken ac unit via heating replacement services. Not only will this keep your house cool and well ventilated, but these systems such as Rheem heat pumps in Peoria, AZ have their own filters which help keep the air you breathe at home clean. Similarly, calling in a professional in furnace repair in Portsmouth, VA may help improve the efficiency of your heating unit and the indoor air quality in your home. If you still don’t have a furnace system at home, then you may consider having a furnace installation with the help of experts in furnace installation in Redmond, WA from hvac companies like Air Care Heating and Cooling.

If you’re looking to go the extra mile, you need the best air purifier of 2017 to get rid of any type of air pollution still remaining. That’s where we come in! We’ve found the best home purifier units on the market, with a range of prices for any budget. Let’s take a look and get your air clean again.

The larval stage of the mosquito is aquatic. This vulnerable stage is crucial for the well-being of adult mosquitoes, in the same way that the health of a human baby will determine an adult’s future health.

Many larval environmental factors have a profound effect on the well-being of the adult mosquito. These include the environmental temperature, the level of crowding and access to nutrition. Human activity, however, has resulted in increased levels of water pollution, and mosquito larvae being exposed to more toxins which can be transited to humans, to prevent this, you may want to hire local experts who can deal with all kind of mosquitoes, bugs and subterranean termites mud tubes.

A quick note about HEPA: you’ll see frequent mentions of “HEPA” when looking at air purifiers. This refers to high efficiency particle air filters, or filters that can stop particles only a few microns in length. Certified HEPA filters are your best tool when protecting a home from allergens or spores, so watch for this feature. In addition, you should also check if it’s time for an air duct cleaning which will help keep your indoor air clean. You may contact professional air duct cleaning and replacement services like JackRabbit Air conditioning: Sunrise, FL.

1. Healthmate HM-500 – $499.99

Looking for a large, powerful air purifier to take care of a whole house or large commercial area? This massive Healthmate model draws in air from all sides and puts it through four intense stages of filtration. The first stage takes care of large particles, perfect for catching those irritants like pet dander and floating hair. The second captures medium particles like larger spores, pollen, and dust motes. The third filter is made of layers of activated carbon and zeolite, both of which excel at absorbing and trapping odors. Finally, the fourth filter is a HEPA layer designed to filter out even the smallest particles.

True, this model takes some upkeep to keep the filters clean, and yes, it’s the most expensive option on our list, but if you want the best air quality possible then it’s a great choice. Because it can run all day, it’s also a potential commercial model for dedicated purification tasks.

2. Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier – $229.99

We like Coway’s model because of it’s high-tech approach to air purification and the unique features it comes with, many designed to help you save energy as well as clean your air. It has full four-stage filtration, including a HEPA filter and charcoal filter for capturing both particles and smells. It also has an ion filter, an interesting bit of technology that ionizes the air to attract particles into a metal filter that you can then rinse – it’s not as effective as something like a HEPA filter, but it does provide an alternative filter option that may pick up some particles that the other filters may have missed.

If you’re looking for a green machine, you’ll also enjoy the eco mode, which runs a slower mode of air filtration that saves on electricity. The unit also comes with a sensor that detects levels of air pollution in the room. If the levels are low for around 30 minutes, the sensor tells the Coway unit that it doesn’t need to work anymore, and an automatic shut down saves even more energy.

3. Honeywell True HEPA Allergen Remover – $175.39

Honeywell provides a more affordable model that’s ideal if you’re concerned about air purification for one room – specifically, a room that’s around 465 square feet, which is what this unit is rated for. For example, if you confine smoking to only living room in your house, putting this model in your living can help clear the air more quickly. It also works well when it comes to rooms with fireplaces or oven ranges, just not whole-house work.

The powerful motor inside can circulate the air in your chosen room about 5 times every hour. Combine that with the activated carbon prefilter that takes care of odors first and foremost, and you have an effective little model for fighting pollution. The unit also comes with 3 different cleaning settings, a turbo clean setting for mini-emergencies, and several options for timer settings. The primary filter is called “true HEPA” to assure buyers that it really will take care of particles bigger than 0.3 microns – but only if you regularly clean and replace the filter as necessary.

Tyler Lacoma

When he isn't enjoying the beautiful Northwest outdoors, you can find Tyler on business and tech sites, writing about the latest news, analyzing trends, and generally making the Internet a more interesting place.

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