ResearchGate | Social Network For Researchers Only

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ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists and researchers, was founded by virologists Dr. Ijad Madisch and Sören Hofmayer, and IT specialist Horst Fickenscher. According to the founders, ResearchGate was built for scientists, by scientists in a move to improve research through collaboration regardless of the distance between the research team.

Virtual Research Lab For Global Collaboration

ResearchGate began when they realized that collaborating with a colleague on a research topic was no easy task and just as technology aim at improving every aspect of people’s lives and opening doors of change; ResearchGate gives researchers the right tools and facilitating scientific collaboration across the world like a lab and library where a researcher meets others with expertise ready to do their work, just like a physical lab there are contacts to call on whenever need arises.

On the network’s blog, the founder’s say, “Research don’t have to be confined to the lab; present yourself and your work, grow your contacts and connect with a global scientific community. All from your ResearchGate profile.”

Place For Answers, For Free

ResearchGate is a place to get answers a midst all the obstacles and enables researchers to discuss their work and methodology, help others and find solutions together . The network boasts of millions of free and ready to use online publications from the right sources for all the members of one’s own work community according to ResearchGate.

It also lists thousands of scientific conferences across the world to make it easy for researchers to stay informed, engaged and involved. For researchers looking for job’s there are over 15,000 job listings in over 190 countries across the world.

2 million Researchers On site

On October 5, ResearchGate updated several topics from its large professional network for scientists to enable more members to discover and interact with others. The network has now a whopping 40,000, topics and two million researchers on the network publishing their work, sharing their results, and building their reputation with 45 million abstracts and over 10,000 full texts.

Apart from the likes or votes, ResearchGate introduced the RG Score, a metric way to measure, build, understand, and leverage a users scientific reputation which is turning scientists work and into a source of reputation.

Earn A Score With Every Contribution

So researchers don’t just contribute to the network for free, whether raw data or a publication, topic question or answer, every step of the research process doesn’t go to waste as it contributes to the score.Every content uploaded, all the interactions add up to a scientists reputation.

ResearchGate says,”Once you’ve created content, your score is calculated based on how other researchers interact with your work, how often, and who they are. The higher their score, the more yours will increase.”

The score is broken up into several components and the more reputation you gain, the more you influence other researchers’ scores. ResearchGate puts the pain of traditional publishing model aside with its speed of publishing by publishing researchers results in real-time,with immediate feedback from peers transparently.

Sign Up, Follow Researchers or Contribute to a Project

After one signs up, they can edit their skills or research preferences, follow researchers, keep their publication list updated,add research keywords to their profile and search what interests them in a totally secure and absolute private environment.

The network is headquartered in Berlin Germany, employs more than 80 full time employees and is funded by Founders Fund, Benchmark Capital, Joachim Schoss and Accel Partners.

Sam Wakoba

Sam Wakoba travels around the world's technology hubs and events writing about startups, VC’ s and ventures. Spends nights reviewing trending gadgets, ICT initiatives, and disrupting technology.

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