Helps Early Adopters Find The Latest

Jun 02, 2011 • Entrepreneurship, Startups
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One of the beautiful things about the Internet is endless amount of websites designed and dedicated to those who like to be the first to know and share information. No, I am talking about a new Digg, StumbledUpon or Reddit , but something totally different. Founded by Nick Frost is a virtual directory of new startups that takes information flow a step further than the static website.  Sign up with your email address, Facebook or Twitter account, and it allows you the early adopter, founder, designer, investor, or critic to join the site and track only what you find appealing.

“Joining “means that all of the sites you choose to track are tethered together in your profile. This way, you can easily access updates and participate in conversations that other users may be having about that particular startup on Twitter. You can also sign up to get information directly from the startup . The design of the site is simple and uncluttered with the information you need in accessible and uniform places throughout the page. It’s pretty intuitive to use, once you sign up you basically just point and click. You can filter the sites by “latest” or “most popular” and even search for one you may have heard or read about elsewhere.

There are some things the site could improve in my opinion, one of its communication tools. The aim of the follow box is understood, there is a running stream of comments from Twitter with any mentions about the startup. A static way to read what people were saying would be even more helpful ie a comment box. Without this, you’d have to head on over to the startups main site for the most up-to-date information. Maybe this is the sort of feedback that may be alleviated in the next version. is exciting because it’s not short on variety. The site includes startups on everything from charitable social networks, art houses, music writing and composition, travel, financial productivity and more. That’s enough discoveries to keep the average person busy, and the best part is its totally free. If you’re a power user, you’ll have to poke around the site a little, as the site currently only adds one new featured startup a day.

Issen Alibris

Issen Alibris is a world traveler, that happens to call Los Angeles home base. He likes18th century books, beaches, reality television and gadgets. When he's not glued to his laptop, writing, he may be found meandering the meandering the mean streets of Hollywood Blvd in search of the perfect bacon wrapped hotdog.

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