The LG Optimus G Pro | Not Just Another Pretty Face

May 03, 2013 • Android, Apps & Software, Gadgets
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DSC00490editWith so many different cell-phones in the marketplace, it may be hard to determine which mobile device best suits you. At the moment, many people are looking at both the HTC One as well as the Samsung S4. However, LG is a quiet contender worth noticing with their offering of the 5.5″ Optimus G Pro.

Available exclusively from AT&T, pre-orders start today, Friday May 3 here and will retail at $199.99 with a two-year service agreement beginning May 10. While supplies last, anyone who pre-orders will receive a free Quick Cover black folio case.

Receive text messages in a new window overlay

Key Features:

– Qualcomm Snapdragon 1.7 GHz Quad-Core Processor with 2 GB RAM
5.5″ 1920 x 1080p Full HD IPS Screen  (400 ppi resolution)
3,140 mAh Battery
Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
13 MP Full HD Camera with Dual Recording
– 2.1 MP Full HD Front-Facing Camera for Dual Recording and Video Conferencing
– QSlide 2.0 for Advanced and Convenient Multitasking
– Audio Zoom to enhance audio quality during video capture by focusing audio mics on the video target
– QuickRemote for Universal Remote Control
– Internal Storage: 32 GB on-board, support for up to 64 GB of expandable memory for a total of 96 GB
– Bluetooth® Version 4.0

As LG’s first 5.5″ phone, the LG Optimus G Pro is longer rather than wide as a phone/tablet hybrid. This definitely makes it easier to slip in your pocket while still giving plenty of space to work. Despite the ability to fine-tune your keyboard/settings for one-handed operation though, such a large screen is really a bit unwieldy to navigate without both hands. Another common complaint with larger screens is that they often suck up a lot of juice. Not to worry with the Optimus G Pro; it carries a whopping 3140 mAh battery with a removable back cover that you can swap out. (Definitely something to consider for any Ingress players out there. Or really just for anyone who uses heavily intensive applications.)


homeEditThe device comes packed with LOTS of software and some of the new elements are quite handy. In particular, QuickMemo is part of the package and this component allows you to quickly catch a screen-capture, write notes on top of the image (or on the back as a memo) and then share them via bluetooth, email or social networks. Indeed, LG has set this as the default for the one customizable button on the left of the phone.

As shown in the picture above, text messages will appear in a new window that is transparently overlayed on top of a currently running application. LG has provided their QSlide 2.0 suite of tools for the multi-tasking functionality to play videos, jot down notes, use a calculator or even check your calendar WITHIN other tasks running on the phone.

The LG Optimus G Pro is quite customizable with four+ pages of settings options; allowing the user to change background fonts, screen swipe effects, clocks, shortcuts, lock-screen and more. Additionally, it comes with AT&T’s DriveMode. This lets you silence notification sounds for incoming messages while also sending an auto-reply  to both text and phone-calls to let the other party know that you’re currently on the road and will get back to them.

Another cool feature is QuickRemote, a specialty that lets you turn your phone into one universal remote to control the devices in your home; TV, Blu-ray™ players, cable set top box, surround sound system and more.

Lastly, the LG Optimus G Pro has some interesting new camera functions. In particular is the ability to dual-record from both the front and rear cameras to create a picture-in-picture view. This way you can see directly what’s in front of you, as well as yourself and whatever’s behind.


All in all, the LG Optimus G Pro is a hot new device in the marketplace worth considering.

Garick Chan

Technocratic solutions to a communal future, Garick is a connector, matchmaker and community-builder. He's a digital engagement strategist and involved with a number of tech & startup groups both online and in the Los Angeles/Southern California area.

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