Apps & Software

Parking information provider Parkopedia has today partnered with automaker Volvo in a move that will introduce in-car parking service globally.

The service, only available in Volvo cars will help drivers easily find a place to park, and save them time and money. Another example of connected devices on the rise.

We’ve been there. Turn on your phone and look at the productivity folder. Three, maybe four apps; each with their own learning curve and rules of engagement. Something to write your notes, another to set reminders, and one that does both. But you know, with a social aspect and extra cute buttons. Kind of like a disarrayed choose your own adventure book about your life.
Okay I’m exaggerating, but if you’re still with me, I feel your pain; of not knowing what keyword to search your inbox for to find your favorite cat video. But luckily, there’s others who feel your pain and they’re trying to solve it. Introducing Fetchnotes.

Analytics and optimization startup, FlxOne, aims to deliver insights and actions for real-time advertising by use of cloud-based infrastructure and data crunching to deliver insights and actions, making it the first platform to optimize performance automatically.

There’s a famous scene in Pirates of Silicon Valley (a movie that chronicled the origins of Microsoft and Apple) in which Bill Gates is meeting with IBM executives. The IBM executives agree to license software from Microsoft because “there’s no money in software anyways.”
The IBM executives weren’t stupid. They failed to recognize an inflection point in technological history in which profits would shift from hardware to software.

The Internet of Things, a movement to connect the physical and digital worlds to provide humans with an easier user interface for real-world life is becoming more real everyday, just before our eyes.
According to Cisco the number of connected “things” will balloon to 50 billion by 2020. 2020 seems like a decade away into space, however Motreal-based reelyActive, the winner os Startup World Competition, is doing just this.

Smart matching offline connections startup, At The Pool, has today launched a mobile app that is set to reinvent the way people connect and interact.
The new iOS app utilizes a contact list that’s organized by geographic proximity making it easy for people with like interests to connect through “shouts.” The app allows easy photo sharing, existing contact list, push notifications and geo-awareness.

Forget visits to random restaurants, myfab5 uses the power of the crowd to help you search for the best restaurant in town. The platform connects foodies to restaurants for a win-win situation for both parties.

Silicon Valley, in a proverbial hornet’s nest of legal intrigue has been buzzing with one of the biggest (and possibly unsettling) displays of takesies backsies that the tech world has seen this year. For those just tuning into the events, we’ll provide you the long short of it in play by play fashion:

Social video sharing platform Viddy has not been doing well as of late, even though it had struck a chord with loyal consumers and had a raised a significant amount of capital to see it grow.

Life is full of decisions. Do you want a cheeseburger or the taco? How about wearing Jordans or a pair of Converse? Which video was funnier? There are a gazillion questions we are asking ourselves. So who better to help you out then your friends and family? That’s where Bedloo comes in. Bedloo is a social media voting platform for those who want to find the right answer in life.