
“Made in the USA” is more than just a slogan; it’s a philosophy for business, one that emphasizes the importance of staying within the national economy and creating products of the highest quality. At the same time, it’s a smart manufacturing decision, as American-made quality usually stands head and shoulders above outsourced competition. There’s a reason why Apple has recently pledged $100 million in American manufacturing plants for future products.

Last night, I was knocking a couple back with a friend at The Waterfront (San Diego’s oldest continually operating pub). This buddy of mine, Jordan, is a long time iPhone user. He hopped on iPhone, iPhone 3Gs, and the iPhone 4s. He was waiting to upgrade to the new iPhone this year, since the iPhone 5 was overlapping his contract, and so forth… the usual.

TechZulu & Gadget Review present REACH. A quarterly event series seeking to dive deep into what comes next in technology, and giving you the opportunity to experience it first hand with the gadgets on site. Experience gadgets from the big brands with million dollar budgets to the startups bootstrapping and raising via IndieGoGo.

The Samsung Galaxy Mega is NOT a phone. It’s a mini-tablet that can also make and receive audio calls. Wow, what a huge thing in your hands! Whereas other phablets are just a bit too big to be a phone but too small to really be a tablet, the MEGA fits much more comfortably as a two-handed device.

Pixicle, a photo sharing device that makes it easy for users to view photos with their friends and family on the big screen instead of the frustrating smartphone screen passed around the room has raised $10K of its $38K Indiegogo goal to make photo viewing less strenuous.

Canonical has launched its crowdfunding campaign for their new phone, the Ubuntu Edge, at IndieGoGo. Backers of the IndieGoGo campaign will be the exclusive owners of the Ubuntu Edge. Ubuntu’s first foray into the mobile ecosystem is kicking up some crazy buzz with both its new mobile OS and the hardware itself.

Water has long been the Achilles’ Heel of technology. A few commonly recognized scenarios: Phone slips out of your hand and accidentally drops in the toilet, “friends” may decide to throw you in the pool at a party or just plain getting caught in a downpour. These are all scenarios that can happen to any of us.

The first time you get a full night’s sleep as a new parent, you may have to restrain yourself from jumping out of bed and hurling yourself into the nursery to make sure your child’s still breathing – after all, why hasn’t he woken you up already?! I say “restrain yourself” because the minute you burst open the door…well, he’s awake now, isn’t he? And no one wants to wake a sleeping babe, right?

Light bulbs have lit our world for centuries. Sadly, the design and efficiency of the light bulb was heavily flawed. With new environmental issues brought up in the past two decades, new light bulbs are being produced to become more energy and cost efficient. New and more efficient light bulbs have been produced, but a small company called LIFX, thinks it can do a lot better than all the other bulbs designs.

Lost your bike? Where are my kids? Has the delivery truck found the best route to its destination? My motorcycle was stolen? These are some questions that have gone through the minds of business owners and the general public alike. According to Valarm co-founder, Lorenzo Gonzalez, his motorcycle was stolen from an airport parking lot. Because of his unfortunate event, Lorenzo and his brother, Edward Pultar, teamed up and decided to build an app to prevent thefts and other applications for research and data.