
If you look around, there are several large name brands that are moving forward and away from your traditional headphone/earbud design. Brands such as Panasonic and Aftershokz both have some type of listening wear making use of bone conduction. One would think that with all of the financial resources they have at hand, they’d have a more audible product. Luckily for everyone, Cynaps is working to take the mobile audio market by storm. Especially for those who find customization important.

Earlier this week, we gave a comprehensive breakdown of the 29 companies with a preview of Batch 8 Demo Day. Today, we’ll be presenting our favorite ten of the day in ABC order. Bear in mind, we’re going to keep the financial specs under wraps (just tiny hints), but overall, Batch 8 performed very strongly across the board.

“Rap and hip-hop artists are some of the most fit and health conscience people”, according to Feel Rich CEO, Shawn Ullman. Well, if you listen to the radio or turn on MTV and VH1, all you will hear and see is the bling, sex, and drug promoting side of hip-hop. Long time hip hop fan and business executive Shawn Ullman, remembers when rap and hip-hop told a more positive story to its fans and in his own words, he wants to “take it back to it’s roots” by creating the Feel Rich Network.

Imagine it. You’re flipping through Vevo and watching a music video. But first, 30 seconds of commercial. You stare blankly wondering “what’s this a commercial of?” while watching the screen and registering nothing.

Ad/Banner blindness, a talent which we’ve developed rather well as a society: The ability to subconsciously block out commercials WHILE physically watching.

Twitter continues to move into new directions of social media, broadening its offerings. Today, a video partnership with the BBC was announced via (what else?) a tweet that the pair would create the first in-Tweet branded syced video to entertainment series. An interesting announcement fast on the heels of another announcement that the new Twitter #music discovery app is live today.

Music streaming services are either full of ads that interrupt the flow of music or have a premium service to hear the latest and greatest songs without interruption. Even with all that cash flow, the listeners only hear bands from big labels and the smaller indie bands are pushed away and forgotten. It’s hard for smaller labels to get any radio time and to have their name known in the music world, thus they have less resources to grow from. Earbits wants to fix those problems for listeners and small-time bands by recreating the music streaming service.

Music Prodigy, a Los Angeles based music education technology firm serious on improving the way people learn, play and interact with music beat over 70 startups with their app Rock Prodigy to win the Silicon Beach Awards.

For most the dreams of becoming a guitar shredding god are lost if not playing since your youth. Although you may not be able to become that mega star on stage playing the Hollywood Bowl, you can still become the guitar shredding god of your household. Music Prodigy is changing Music Education through its patent-pending technology and proprietary teaching method that enables any aspiring musician to learn any instrument