Empowering Oracle OpenWorld with Data from Dun & Bradstreet
Excited about Oracle Open World? Me too. But what is it exactly? Just another one of those massive IT networking conferences? What can I possibly learn by attending? Who might I be able to meet and connect with? I’ve been invited to attend this year by Dun & Bradstreet to learn about how their data solutions power the Oracle Cloud Platform. Now, to be honest, I wasn’t really sure who Dun & Bradstreet was or what they do. But I learned that Dun & Bradstreet is a big data company that has been around since 1841 and what they do is collect market-research data and apply analytics for deep insights. If anyone is interested in doing business with the US government, you actually need to obtain a D-U-N-S number first. It’s free for all businesses looking to bid on government proposals and is a 9-digit unique identification number that classifies business entities on a location-specific basis as well as including information such as physical and mailing addresses, tradestyles, principal names, financial, payment experiences and more.
What’s the big deal though? What does this mean exactly? Well, Dun & Bradstreet’s largest commercial database includes business contact data that marketers can use to more effectively understand and target their audiences accordingly.
“Marketers must activate data to create an end-to-end global view of relationships with current and potential customers, defined by data and managed with creativity. Who are your most valuable prospects? What do they need from you? How can you convert more of them into profitable customers?” -Gartner study
General Manager of Dun & Bradstreet NetProspex, Michael Bird made the announcement back in May at Oracle’s Data Cloud Summit that Dun & Bradstreet’s leading commercial data is now available within the Oracle Data Cloud and through the BlueKai marketplace.
“Data is central to nearly all business decisions companies make today, including how and with whom companies grow profitable relationships,” said Bird. “By making our data available to marketers when, where, and how they use it, Dun & Bradstreet is helping businesses better understand and score existing and potential targets to effectively engage the right people with the right content, priming them for optimal and long-lasting business relationships. We’re expanding the use cases for our information and are thrilled to put a stake in the digital advertising and marketing ground.”
“Dun & Bradstreet’s audience solutions, plus the existing scale and richness of the Oracle Data Cloud offers digital advertisers the power to know more about likely buyers and uniquely target audiences based on what they do, say and buy, ” says Pieter De Temmerman, Vice President of Oracle Data Cloud. “This integration brings together unique insights that intersect business, purchase and interest attributes to form a more comprehensive view of the audience and to drive meaningful engagement with every digital interaction.”
So where are your customers and what are they talking about? One example according to Gartner is that CRM leaders who avoid master data management will derive erroneous results resulting in a 25% reduction in potential revenue gains. Do you know what percentage of business that your company may be missing out on?