FreedomSpeaks Annouces Their API

Sep 30, 2008 • Uncategorized
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Los Angeles, CA (September 30, 2008) – FREEDOMSPEAKS.COM, the world’s first non-partisan
online political community announced today the launch of their API (Application Programming
Interface) andWidgets making publicly available their database of over 10,000 public official
profiles. The API also leverages key technologies developed by FreedomSpeaks that facilitate the
direct communication of citizens with their publicly elected officials. Today’s announcement
reinforces FreedomSpeaks’ commitment to complete government transparency.

“We’re excited to see what developers will create utilitizing the data and functionality that we’re
providing. It’s been our goal from the onset at FreedomSpeaks to make the information we’ve
gathered publicly available, and this is a huge step towards realizing that goal,” said Jason Kiesel,
Founder and CEO of FreedomSpeaks.

FreedomSpeaks has developed technology that 1) informs members who represents them at both
the state and federal levels of government; and 2) enables members to write letters to any public
official in their database. Because the website is supported by ad revenues, these services are
provided free of charge to all members.

“In an ideal world, we’d like to see every citizen in this great country take part in the political
process. And with the release of our API andWidgets, we are moving one step closer to achieving
this goal by enabling and facilitating the public’s interaction with their government officials on
virtually every website,” said Steve Martinez, VP of Legal and Business Affairs. “Imagine if every
political blog allowed their readership to send a letter to their representatives directly from the
post itself. That would have a huge impact on how we interact and influence our politicians.”

Graham Sibley, co-founder of the YOUnited Foundation, a non-profit organization fusing political
and social activism with film, has been beta testing FreedomSpeaks’ widget for the past few weeks
with great results. “We feel the widget compliments our primary mission to ‘Beat 1960’ and
improve voter turnout for the 2008 Elections.We don’t care if our members are Democrats or
Republicans, we just want them to get out and vote, and FreedomSpeaks helps us accomplish this
mission perfectly.”

The launch of the FreedomSpeaks’ API is the first from any for-profit company in the political
space. Starting today, developers will be free to use the API and begin developing applications of
their own. FreedomSpeaks will continue to roll out more and more functionality in the coming
months. Some of the highlights of this roadmap include data for local representatives, polling,
bills/legislation, and data on campaign finance. For complete details on the FreedomSpeaks API,
please visit

About FreedomSpeaks
FREEDOMSPEAKS.COM, a Los Angeles based startup, is the only completely non-partisan political
social network that allows its members to write letters to their publicly elected officials.With the
click of a mouse, a single letter can be delivered via both email and fax to one or all of the public
officials you select!We currently have data for both Federal and State officials, including their
addresses, telephones, faxes, emails and websites. It’s time for you to speak out and be heard
America – with FREEDOMSPEAKS.COM, it’s easy!

Media Contacts
Darren Shuster
PopCulture PR
(818) 703-9202

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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