Financial projections are essentially made-up numbers that have nothing to do with your real business—they’re just another hoop that you need to jump through to satisfy investors, right? Wrong!

TechZulu met with Hale Boggs, from Manatt Digital Media, and discussed Manatt Digital Media and the future of LA’s startup scene.

The Internet of Things, a movement to connect the physical and digital worlds to provide humans with an easier user interface for real-world life is becoming more real everyday, just before our eyes.
According to Cisco the number of connected “things” will balloon to 50 billion by 2020. 2020 seems like a decade away into space, however Motreal-based reelyActive, the winner os Startup World Competition, is doing just this.

You’ve identified a pain point. You’ve come up with a solution. You’ve thought through your offering—and it’s a winner. You’re ready for next steps. You’re ready to raise some funding.

Or are you?

Silicon Valley, in a proverbial hornet’s nest of legal intrigue has been buzzing with one of the biggest (and possibly unsettling) displays of takesies backsies that the tech world has seen this year. For those just tuning into the events, we’ll provide you the long short of it in play by play fashion:

Life is full of decisions. Do you want a cheeseburger or the taco? How about wearing Jordans or a pair of Converse? Which video was funnier? There are a gazillion questions we are asking ourselves. So who better to help you out then your friends and family? That’s where Bedloo comes in. Bedloo is a social media voting platform for those who want to find the right answer in life.

Many of us get that itch of becoming an entrepreneur. We get that spark in us, that light bulb idea that brings us into our dream world, day-dreaming and wondering, “What if?” What if we had a chance to actually build the next hot tech company? What if we find the right team with the right chemistry to build it? What if we get affirmation and validation from not only our peers, but from experts and maybe even potential investors that our ideas really have some legs in becoming something?

Bottom line is that you’re in business to make money. If your customers aren’t paying you, that’s a serious cash flow problem. If they’re slow to pay, that’s a problem as well. While late invoices are fairly common for many businesses, that doesn’t mean you can’t fight it. The key is process.

Be Great Partners, a Los Angeles technology incubator, has recently released a report on the startup community in LA and the information shows a positive growth for startups here in LA. Los Angeles is 3rd in the global startup ecosystem, behind Tel Aviv and Silicon Valley. 94 new startups have launched since January 2013 to June 2013 and the startup ecosystem has raised $500 million in funding in 2013 so far. The numbers are promising and even with some problems arising in LA’s startup community, LA has found ways to keep pushing through.

Valuation. You know you need one. Annually. What you may not know is that it really does matter who performs your valuation. There are a lot of valuation companies out there, so I know many entrepreneurs are tempted to just shop around until they find the lowest price, but this is a mistake.