Submissions Now Open For Spotlight: LA Tech Spring

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Spotlight-LA-Tech-April-2013TechZulu and The Entrepreneurship Association at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management are pleased to announce Spotlight: LA Tech Spring. Spotlight: LA Tech is part of a quarterly demo series that will highlight the finest technology entrepreneurship in Southern California.

TechZulu is ramping up to do it all again with an all new group of companies and a SuperDemo.  This could be your company’s chance to shine in the Spotlight.  We invite you to Apply Here and let us know all about your company and what you would like to put in the Spotlight.  join us in proving there’s more than one place in California to create great technology. If you’d like to present, APPLY HERE.  Entries will be closed for company submissions at midnight of April  17th, 2013.

Keynote: Brent Bushnell CEO / Co-Founder of Two Bit Circus

Brent BushnellJoin us for an evening of demonstrations from vetted technology startups, followed by an inspiring keynote from Two Bit Circus Co-Founder, Brent Bushnell.

Two Bit CircusTwo Bit Circus combines engineering, education, and amusement to create physical marvels fueled by technology. Bushnell will discuss the rise of STEAM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) and the critical role they play in business innovation. Be among the first to hear about the company’s STEAM Carnival, and how you can support this home-grown initiative.

Spotlight Companies



Valarm is an Android mobile app and integrated suite of web-based tools that will track almost anything via GPS, and remotely monitor almost any environment via built-in and external sensors.


digmybrand is a lightweight feedback tool to learn what people think about you – your skills, values and personality. It connects to your linkedin, facebook and google accounts and allows you to collect feedback from any of your connections securely, simply and very quickly.


An online marketplace for legal services. Get free bids from lawyers on the documents and services you need!

Cookbook Cafe

Cookbook Cafe is the new DIY publishing platform from L.A.-based It enables anyone (home chef, brand, nonprofit organization, etc.) to create, market and sell an interactive cookbook as both an iPad App and web-based book.


AppMyForm, an environmentally conscious new service offered by RGBmobile, enables any paper form to easily be converted into a customized Mobile Content Capture app, digital record and process launch mechanism.

For those who still might be wondering what Spotlight: LA Tech is all about, It’s a screening room for new technology homegrown in our region. It’s a gallery of great entrepreneurship. It’s a toast to those who build and innovate. It’s a gathering of friends and tech enthusiasts of all stripes.

Join TechZulu as we celebrate LA’s most exciting tech creations of the moment with the brightest digital minds and engineering talents this side of Fresno.

This Spotlight takes place Thursday, April 25, at UCLA Korn Hall. The evening will consist of a series of live stage demonstrations guaranteed to impress and inspire new ideas among all in attendance. Followed by a FREE cocktail and apps reception for all attendees.

Spotlight Judges


Dan Gould, Ophir Tanz, Mark Krynsky, and Ted Dhanik

Parking Information

Follow the instructions on the map and when you pull into Westwood Plaza follow the signs to Parking Lot 4

View Larger Map

From the 405 Freeway, exit on Sunset Boulevard and continue east about 1.5 miles to the Westwood Plaza entrance of campus. Turn right onto Westwood Plaza and continue straight ahead to the ramp leading underground to Parking Structure 4.

From P4, exit the parking structure and follow the walkway located south of the Anderson Complex to the main south steps, between Building B (Gold Hall) & Building C (Entrepreneurs Hall) on the map. If you prefer an elevator, take the ground level entrance on the west side of Building B. Signs will direct you to Korn Hall.


7:00 – 7:45pm – Check-in & Networking
7:45 – 7:55pm – introductory remarks
8:00 – 8:35pm – 5 five-minute demos, followed by brief Q&A for each company
8:35 – 9:00pm – “Superdemo”
9:00 – 10:00pm – cocktail reception and networking

Diamond Sponsor

CallFire provides Voice and SMS Solutions to over 40,000 customers including political groups, non-profits, insurance agents, small business owners, and marketers. Headquarted in Santa Monica, CA, CallFire is dedicated to providing high-availability systems, intuitive user interfaces, furious developer support, and unparalleled customer care in order to transform how companies do business.

Co-Host & Venue Sponsor

The Entrepreneur Association is the largest student association at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. We have over 600 members and 150 events a year, with programs for both Anderson students and the community at large. The EA works closely with the Harold and Pauline Price Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at UCLA. The Price Center provides curriculum, research, and experiential learning programs that prepare MBA candidates for the challenges of management in entrepreneurial environments.

Want to Sponsor?

We currently have sponsorship slots open If you would like to be part of this amazing event and show your support for TechZulu.  Contact us at

  • Sponsorship Opportunities for Events, and other channels
  • Sponsored giveaways and contests
  • Custom ad deals and partnerships

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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