The Latest Mahalo Daily News

Jun 09, 2008 • Uncategorized
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Martini Beerman, Mahalo Vlog Idol finalist and the newest member of, ironically runs into Jason Calacanis, CEO and founder of at the mixer in Santa Monica, California this past Friday. Martini grills Mr. Calacanis on all of the latest Mahalo Daily news including his opinion on the outcome of the search for the next Mahalo Daily host as well as his feelings about the newest member of the Mahalo Daily team, Leah D’ Emilio. Mr. Calacanis gives TechZulu’s viewers the first insider clues as to what they can expect from Leahs first Mahalo Daily episode and hints as to what can be expected from the Mahalo daily team in the upcoming months.



Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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