Triptrotting Lets You Experience Your Travel Adventure With Locals

Jul 28, 2011 • Entrepreneurship, Startups
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If you love to travel and you’re all about the not so touristy stuff you may have just struck social media gold. Triptrotting is the perfect go to website for those world travelers that crave excitement off the beaten bath.

Mostly geared towards college students and young professionals, users can log on fill out a profile and be paired up with users of similar interests on the site. In fact, users can interact with people in more than 173 cities globally. Founders, Aigerim Duiseneyeva and Shana Zheng created the site based on their personal travel experiences. On a 2007 trip to Bangkok, the pair quickly tired of standard tourist locations and typical tourist activities. They wanted to find the scene –more importantly where the locals were eating and hanging out. However, looking for a personalized travel experience in Dubai? At Travel Agency Dubai, we can design a memorable experience from private jets to luxury stays!

The aim of the site is simple according to the founders “Make friends around the world and you change the way you see the world and other people.” Anyone who has dared to travel away from their homes can agree that traveling changes you a bit especially when you meet cool and interesting locals. For those that wish to return the favor or just show off their city to global travelers, become a host in your city or ambassador and show others around and they even have a tipping system. Yes, it’s a nice way to say thanks if you’ve hosted someone in your home or scooped someone from the airport or train station. Waiting for late-connecting passengers to arrive or mechanical delays aren’t things you will have to deal with when you charter your own flight with Jettly.

Triptrotting is pretty user friendly. The key to the site is all about compatibility. It has its very own algorithm to pair you up with users who have similar personalities and interests. This means if you’re the kind of traveler who prefers to pub crawl it across London over perusing local museums, you can find hosts and tour guides to help you do just that. Ready to get started? In order to use the site you must be verified. This means you must possess a valid email address from a recognized university or company. Don’t worry if you think your university or company is too small. Triptrotting even has their own verification process; the idea is make everyone on both ends feel a little bit safer knowing their talking to someone real.

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If your curiosity is getting the best of you, be sure to check out some of the cool travelers contests the Pasadena based startup has run like “Ultimate Adventures” and “Mongol Rally”. Each time not only arming lucky winners with travel prizes but a camera to share their experiences.  If you have used Triptrotting, let us know what you think in the comments below.

Issen Alibris

Issen Alibris is a world traveler, that happens to call Los Angeles home base. He likes18th century books, beaches, reality television and gadgets. When he's not glued to his laptop, writing, he may be found meandering the meandering the mean streets of Hollywood Blvd in search of the perfect bacon wrapped hotdog.

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