In the mid 80s and early 90s, the tech world was all about video games. Nintendo started a revival of the video game industry and every child and adult were equally having a great time playing games at the arcades and at home. The Original NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis provided homes with endless fun and entertainment, but those consoles are long gone and only a handful of people still hold on to such old relics. Innex, Inc. is planning to bring the old-school consoles back into gamer’s hands by selling the Super Retro Console and Adapter by Retro-bit.
Content is king, and local startup Yekra has just secured $3 million in funding for their digital rights distribution service for the every man. In the digital age, streaming content is profitable for producers, but now digital rights management (DRM) is not just for big studios but for independent content creators as well.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Geeks, Tinkerers, Intellectuals and Nerds of all ages, we are delighted to present to you, Two Bit Circus and their highly anticipated S.T.E.A.M. Carnival! A wondrous place designed for kids to learn that Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math are not only interconnected, but fun to boot. Starting today, Two Bit Circus’ Kickstarter Campaign goes live and gladly invites you to help make this truly amazing concept become a reality.
Earbits was featured on TechZulu awhile back. But how are things holding up at Earbits since the last time? From the look of things, Earbits is on the right track to be a force in the online music streaming industry. With a new mobile app releasing today (on all Android devices) and the social currency system gaining new ground, Earbits just upped its game.
Twitter continues to move into new directions of social media, broadening its offerings. Today, a video partnership with the BBC was announced via (what else?) a tweet that the pair would create the first in-Tweet branded syced video to entertainment series. An interesting announcement fast on the heels of another announcement that the new Twitter #music discovery app is live today.
CreatorUp is the online web series school teaching the next generation of web series creators how to make and market their own new video projects on the web. Aspiring creators learn by connecting with top web filmmakers and YouTubers on a topics specific to the web: developing a web series, producing web series, writing for genres like comedy & sci-fi, directing, editing, camera, Kickstarter funding, show hosting, distribution, and marketing.
TechZulu is excited to invite you on April 24, 2013 at 7pm, to a fireside chat with Cameron Olthuis, VP of Search and Social Strategies at CBS Interactive. Cameron will be interviewed by our very own Espree Devora, known as “the Girl who Gets it Done” and creator of SaveBusinessTime. Cameron will share his experience on Search and Social Strategies for Start ups.

Etymotic | Part Aid, Part Protection, Two Parts Makes You Feel Like a Bat/Dolphin/Echo-location Enabled Creature
I can personally say I’m quite familiar with the work Etymotic Research has done with their line of ER20 high-fidelity Earplugs and consider these low profile plugs to be a nightlife staple. To my fellow audiophiles who frequent your fair share of festivals, shows, clubs, and concerts, I’m sure you can share in my spectrum of feelings towards the products that companies like Etymotic Research offer…
Going to concerts are fun and memorable times for everyone. Reliving those times are hard however, knowing either you or a few people posted their videos on YouTube or any other online video service and searching can be a chore. CrowdSync is going to change and revolutionize the way we can bring all those concert memories back.