With graduation already here and Father’s Day almost upon us again this year, thoughts of what to get for dads and grads is on our minds once again. For those who are athletically inclined, have an active lifestyle or even just a tech geek, the Yurbuds IronMan Inspire Talk Sport Earphones with Inline Microphone are a gift worth considering.
In the mid 80s and early 90s, the tech world was all about video games. Nintendo started a revival of the video game industry and every child and adult were equally having a great time playing games at the arcades and at home. The Original NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis provided homes with endless fun and entertainment, but those consoles are long gone and only a handful of people still hold on to such old relics. Innex, Inc. is planning to bring the old-school consoles back into gamer’s hands by selling the Super Retro Console and Adapter by Retro-bit.
Ladies and Gentlemen. Geeks, Tinkerers, Intellectuals and Nerds of all ages, we are delighted to present to you, Two Bit Circus and their highly anticipated S.T.E.A.M. Carnival! A wondrous place designed for kids to learn that Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math are not only interconnected, but fun to boot. Starting today, Two Bit Circus’ Kickstarter Campaign goes live and gladly invites you to help make this truly amazing concept become a reality.
When’s the best time to visit a theme park? During a week-day while the kids are still in school of course! Shorter lines with less fuss, less hassle; you can get more rides in and really have a good time! Well, summer’s almost here and the weather’s warming up. What a perfect opportunity for AT&T to invite an intimate group of techies to spend some time checking out the new HTC One at Universal Studios.
The first time you get a full night’s sleep as a new parent, you may have to restrain yourself from jumping out of bed and hurling yourself into the nursery to make sure your child’s still breathing – after all, why hasn’t he woken you up already?! I say “restrain yourself” because the minute you burst open the door…well, he’s awake now, isn’t he? And no one wants to wake a sleeping babe, right?
TechZulu will be bringing you all Civic Innovation Showcase action live tonight starting at 8pm from the Hub LA office in Downtown Los Angeles. Hub Los Angeles, in partnership with The LA Mayor’s Council on Innovation and Industry & The LA Chamber of Commerce Emerging Technology Center & City Innovation Group, is pleased to announce an evening event to showcase local civic innovators & celebrate the launch of MyLA311.
Light bulbs have lit our world for centuries. Sadly, the design and efficiency of the light bulb was heavily flawed. With new environmental issues brought up in the past two decades, new light bulbs are being produced to become more energy and cost efficient. New and more efficient light bulbs have been produced, but a small company called LIFX, thinks it can do a lot better than all the other bulbs designs.

Etymotic | Part Aid, Part Protection, Two Parts Makes You Feel Like a Bat/Dolphin/Echo-location Enabled Creature
I can personally say I’m quite familiar with the work Etymotic Research has done with their line of ER20 high-fidelity Earplugs and consider these low profile plugs to be a nightlife staple. To my fellow audiophiles who frequent your fair share of festivals, shows, clubs, and concerts, I’m sure you can share in my spectrum of feelings towards the products that companies like Etymotic Research offer…
Lost your bike? Where are my kids? Has the delivery truck found the best route to its destination? My motorcycle was stolen? These are some questions that have gone through the minds of business owners and the general public alike. According to Valarm co-founder, Lorenzo Gonzalez, his motorcycle was stolen from an airport parking lot. Because of his unfortunate event, Lorenzo and his brother, Edward Pultar, teamed up and decided to build an app to prevent thefts and other applications for research and data.