Smart matching offline connections startup, At The Pool, has today launched a mobile app that is set to reinvent the way people connect and interact.
The new iOS app utilizes a contact list that’s organized by geographic proximity making it easy for people with like interests to connect through “shouts.” The app allows easy photo sharing, existing contact list, push notifications and geo-awareness.
Men have dominated the world of investment. There were only 22% women who invested in 2012. Natalia Oberti Noguera is on a mission to help change the demographic of investment with her Pipeline Fellowship. Pipeline Fellowship teaches women to become angel investors and become a more powerful and helpful voice in the investment world.
Silicon Valley, in a proverbial hornet’s nest of legal intrigue has been buzzing with one of the biggest (and possibly unsettling) displays of takesies backsies that the tech world has seen this year. For those just tuning into the events, we’ll provide you the long short of it in play by play fashion:
Life is full of decisions. Do you want a cheeseburger or the taco? How about wearing Jordans or a pair of Converse? Which video was funnier? There are a gazillion questions we are asking ourselves. So who better to help you out then your friends and family? That’s where Bedloo comes in. Bedloo is a social media voting platform for those who want to find the right answer in life.
Many of us get that itch of becoming an entrepreneur. We get that spark in us, that light bulb idea that brings us into our dream world, day-dreaming and wondering, “What if?” What if we had a chance to actually build the next hot tech company? What if we find the right team with the right chemistry to build it? What if we get affirmation and validation from not only our peers, but from experts and maybe even potential investors that our ideas really have some legs in becoming something?
Obvious statement of the year: Electronic music is everywhere. Or more specifically, (with its commercial viable surname), we speak about the explosion of “EDM” (electronic dance music) and its dual role both a unifier of the hundreds of sub-genres electronic dance music and simplifier of the not so subtle nuances of these different sounds.
Commerce and trade are fundamentally based on exchanging asymmetries in one another’s ability to produce value at a given cost. As such, commerce intrinsically creates mutual value. That’s why it works. Moreover, the option to trade with more parties creates more value by fostering larger volumes of and more competitive trading.