The Scoop: Web 2.0 Expo NY & BlogWorld Expo

Sep 23, 2008 • Uncategorized
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Hey peeps! Sarah Carr here taking a few lines of TechZulu’s blog to give a quick recap of Web 2.0 Expo NYC and BlogWorld Expo Vegas that took place this last week(end). For those of you who aren’t familiar with me, I just wanna say – WTF?! No, no but really I’m super stoked to be guest blogging here for TechZulu and hope you find my blogs not only entertaining but informative. Because if not, I don’t think Efren will invite me back…so here goes nothing.


Web 2.0 Expo NYC was great! The Javits Center was, of course, amazing and well, HUGE. This was my first O’Reilly conference and it didn’t fall below my highest expectations. The vendors included big dogs like, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Sun microsystems, the list goes on. My favorite vendors are the ones who may be a bit smaller but are still doing amazing things (especially open source companies) – Brickfish, Kablink, Girls in Tech, LiquidPlanner, the list goes on as well. Mindtouch exhibited with SnapLogic this year to promote our recent partnership and product launch of Deki for CRM – check out our press release for more info.

Some of the great keynotes included Gary Vaynerchuk’s Building Personal Brand within the Social Media Landscape (right up my ally!), Jason Fried’s High Order Bit (heart throb!), and Jay Adelson Organizing Chaos: The Growth of Collaborative Filters (man, do I need filters!). If you want to refer to any of the other keynotes check out Web 2.0 Expo’s station.

Amazing Photograph Copyright James Duncan Davidson

In the same week, I attended BlogWorld Expo in fabulous Las Vegas. Mindtouch, alongside TechZulu and other Southern Californian companies, exhibited for the weekend at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This was the place to be – many weblities (did I just make that up?), great apps exhibits and even better parties. What’s really unique about BlogWorld is that everybody who attends has a passion for blogging, vlogging, social media and wants to stay on top of up & coming Internet trends. This was really cool for me because I was able to connect with people on a very personal and casual level when exhibiting and was able to leverage the social media tools I love throughout the weekend (ie: Twitter,, etc.). Check out some of the 12seconds updates here. Collaboration & open source products are well received by an attendee group like this, which also made it exciting. WhooHoo!

Photograph by 11|5 Media

Photograph by Damien Howley of Mindtouch

Speakers at BlogWorld included Gary Vaynerchuk (we just can’t get rid of this guy), Chris Brogan (my fave because he’s a total genius in social media), Tim Ferriss (who doesn’t want to have a 4 hr workweek?), and more – if you’re so inclined you can check out the rest of the speakers here.    

I think I’ve rambled on long enough now – so I’m heading out. Thanks for spending time reading the update and thanks to TechZulu for the space to recap the events. They were a BLAST and if you didn’t make it out this year to either one, get it approved for next year and make it out! Or else…

Keep on blogging and keep on workin’ it! Cheers!

Efren Toscano

Efren Toscano founded TechZulu in the heart of Southern California: Orange County. Focused on providing a platform to showcase all that is happening here in the tech and media space. TechZulu is rapidly growing to be the hub for Southern California technology companies news source. Efren has been chosen as one of LA Weekly's People of 2009 and selected as a Top 20 MostPublic Individuals in Los Angeles in Tech and Biz by NowPublic. He divides his time between San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and tech events around the US.

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